

Welcome to the Stratus Careers Portal. Here you can view our current job openings and apply for positions online.


Stratus Diversity Statement


As an equal opportunity employer, Stratus strives to sustain and grow the diversity in our workplace by looking both internally and externally for qualified candidates. Our mission is to seek out qualified people through a variety of different markets, and to create a nationwide team that shares values, work ethic, culture, and the mindset to embrace new ideas that will allow us to continuously grow. While all candidates (internal and external) will be considered for the positions for which they apply, leadership looks to encourage and share new opportunities with every employee, and to provide eligible employees the chance to apply to new roles, enhance their knowledge, and be promoted within. Through Stratus’ Learning Management System, employees have access to resources to learn and discover different facets of the company internally, in turn giving them ideas about areas in which they may want to grow, and helping them establish developmental plans to prepare for promotional roles.


Outside of the workplace, Stratus has made it their goal to increase their partnerships with other companies that value diversity. Our internal Compliance Manager evaluates our field partners’ diversity certifications and actively works to increase these partnerships.  In the future, we are looking to offer education reimbursement programs and enhanced external training programs as well.  

At Stratus, we are committed to listening to and learning from each other.  As we continue to make progress, we encourage an ongoing and open dialogue about diversity – one between our employees, customers, and suppliers – so that we can move our company and industry forward.

Job Listings

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